Insisto en la utilidad de una herramienta de la que os hablé hace unos días, Filtrbox. Quedan invitaciones a su versión beta para El caparazón (si no quedan, escribidme y os añadiré a mi grupo, lo cual también os dará acceso).
Como en el caso de Zemanta, que también me pareció una herramienta excepcional para mejorar la calidad de nuestros posts, sólo ofrece resultados certeros (mucho más que Googlealerts) en inglés, pero aún así y hasta que la blogosfera hispana resulte económicamente rentable para todas estas nuevas Startups, son sistemas tremendamente útiles.
Os dejo muestra de los links devueltos para el día de ayer y los tags (filtr´s) innovación, web semántica, web 3.0, elearning 2.0, social learning, netart, etc… creados para El caparazón. Son más, esto sólo es una muestra.
links for 2008-04-13
- Generativity, Emergent Chaos and Adam Thierer: Jonathan Zittrain, a professor at Oxford, has a new book, “The Future of The Internet.” He’s adapted some of the ideas into a long and worthwhile essay, “Protecting the Internet Without Wrecking It.” In that essay, he uses the term “generativity” to ref……
- Meetings are sometimes held around conference tables. Image via WikipediaIn some of my recent sessions, I’ve been talking about the need to change board conversations by changing the design of board meeting agendas. ……
- Open source software is one of the most dynamic, innovative sectors of the US economy, but the US patent system is a costly hindrance to open source innovation. We believe that although the patent system was created to foster innovation ……
- The Hollowed-Out Economy: Whereas the rise of the American economy since GE was founded by Edison in 1876, has been built on innovation, that differentiator is hard to apply in the financial services business. Beyond the credit card and the ATM, the innovations ……
- Japan Design 2008 Innovation: As part of Milan 2008, a group of Japanese companies will present new products in the ‘Japan Design 2008 Innovation’ exhibition, which carries the somewhat awkward tagline ‘Japan Design, Pioneer of the Future Lifestyle’. ……
- The Absence of Innovation – Microsoft: It hit me recently that the absence of innovation is something worth talking about as well so I made a mental note to write about it next time I run across it. Its worth discussing because the absence of innovation acts as a teaching ……
- links for 2008-04-13: A short video introduction to some basic principles of visual language [via Stephen Downes]. (tags: flows visual linklog via:downes). Growing Up With Google (Diane Oblinger). Look particularly towards the end, with practical ……
Book review: “The Future of the Internet (And How to Stop It)” [via Zemanta]
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