Ejemplos de elearning, ideas para innovar

Un listado de sitios, formatos de elearning que me ha parecido muy recomendable:

Aunque siempre defiendo que el factor diferencial del elearning de calidad no está en el formato sino en cosas como la relevancia, la actualidad, la escabilidad, la continuidad o el apoyo del tutor, os dejo, en distintas categorías y parcialmente traducido, un listado de modos de hacer elearning o transmitir conocimiento cuyas características más destacadas iré comentando durante los próximos días.

Ejemplos elearning

Página que lista una serie de links a ejemplos de gráficos interactivos, simulaciones, y otros materiales que nos pueden dar ideas para nuestros proyectos.

Interactivos simples:
Screen shot of MN history interactiveSin demasiado flash. Fotos, ilustraciones. Muchos de ellos muestran como con un buen diseño visual puede hacerse una simple animación más efectiva.

  • The Wealthiest Americans Ever. Excellent graphic design makes a simple rollover impressive.
  • AIDS at 25. Simple graphs and photos tell a compelling story.
  • Forest, Fields and the Falls: Connecting Minnesota. Lush illustration and real-life stories make this somewhat simple interactive compelling.
  • Amazing Girls. Photos with audio interviews of high-achieving high school students. A similar format could be used to introduce a company’s culture to new employees.
  • RSS in Plain English. Not interactive, but a clever and low-budget approach to a video demonstration that uses pieces of paper. They describe their equipment briefly here.
  • Birth of a Tornado. Explanation is provided by text that’s placed near the graphic–the efficient and cost-effective alternative to audio.
  • Laptop ports. Review the ports, then click on the port you would use for each task. Lets you explore the laptop and skip what you already know.

Interactivos más avanzados:
Los ejemplos incluyen panoramas, múltiples capas de navegación o animaciones más sofisticadas.

  • National Museum of Australia. Several Flash activities, including ones that have you explore mystery objects or create your own museum exhibit.
  • The Wright Brothers: First in Flight. Interesting mix of interactive panoramas, still photos, and text.
  • What Is a Print?. Make four types of prints in this fun interactive from the Museum of Modern Art.
  • The Elegant Universe. A PBS site on string theory. Try “Multidimensional Math.”
  • Explore the Concorde. Includes interactive panorama, narration, text. Much more interesting than a guided tour.
  • Homestand. Behind the scenes at a baseball game. Includes real video animations of players; you choose an action for the player to demonstrate while captions explain the rules.
  • The Making of a Brick. Shows how Legos are made. The text is hard to read, but the cartoon incorporates video in an interesting way.
  • Is It Better to Buy or Rent? Interactive graphic that lets you input data to see when it’s better to buy a home. Much more efficient than pages of text-only explanation.
  • Peter Packet. Help Peter Packet deliver information that will improve lives in developing countries, and learn about the Internet as you play.
  • Crash Scene Investigation. Use trigonometry, physics, and geometry to figure out what happened at an auto crash scene.
  • Skeleton game. Drag the bone to the right area of the body. Explore the site to try many other games.
  • Blood typing game. Figure out each patient’s blood type and give them the right transfusion before it’s too late. Simple graphics but compelling situation.

POD game screenshot

  • Many simulations of health and disaster scenarios.
  • Bricks or Clicks. You’re the CEO of a toy manufacturer about to launch an online sales channel. Mix of text and interactive graphics.
  • Lead an army troop. You’re a junior-level officer in charge of a battalion in a country like Iraq or Afghanistan. Third-person, highly produced video simulation.
  • The POD Game. Dispense drugs and medical advice to people during an emergency.
  • Airport security. You’re an airport screener. Can you correctly identify risky items hidden in baggage? Uses actual X-ray images of dangerous devices.
  • Trade Ruler Game. Simulates international trade. Simple graphics but complex topic.
  • Aftermarket profit potential. Read a paper about the aftermarket profit potential for products and services, then experiment with several types of offerings.
  • Nursing simulation. You’re a nurse and need to make decisions about two patients.
  • Global warming simulation. You’re in charge of development decisions in Brazil. The decisions you make speed or slow global warming.
  • Manage the budget of France. French-language simulation that requires you to balance the country’s budget and win parliamentary approval.

Demostraciones comerciales:

  • Ask Learning. Several course demos. Click “E-learning portfolio” in the right sidebar.
  • Allen Interactions. Four course demos.

Screen shot from Their Circular Life

  • Folksongs for the Five Points. Drag five points around the streets of New York’s Lower East Side and hear sounds from all points simultaneously. Use the mixer at the bottom of the screen to change the mix or stop individual sounds.
  • Suspended Life. Essentially a PowerPoint-like presentation based on a comic. Notice how much use the artist gets out of a small collection of images.
  • Billy Collins Action Poetry. Animations interpret the poetry of former US poet laureate Billy Collins. Shows very evocative ways to visualize text.
  • Their Circular Life. Drag a pointer around a circle to advance through photos and audio of an everyday scene in Italy.


  • The Blog of e-Learning Tyro has a collection of elearning demos.
  • Communication Arts runs a yearly competition for interactive media; view the 2007 winners here.
  • The Learning Circuits Blog has several links here.

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